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Thursday, January 10, 2013

When Do You Need Transmission Maintenance?

Transmission maintenance is often a good idea if you are having a tune up on the vehicle. It also helps to get treatment for this component of your vehicle if you are having problems with it. Generally, this part of the vehicle does not get regular service when you get an oil change or when the tires are rotated. This can make it difficult, at best, for owners to know when their vehicle needs this type of treatment and when it does not. There are some signs, though, that can provide an indication that it is time to bring the vehicle in for an inspection and potential service.
Listen to the Vehicle
One of the most common indications of the need for transmission maintenance is when the vehicle begins to sound strange. You may hear a grinding noise that comes from under the hood. You may hear this noise more so when you are accelerating, but it can also be evident when the vehicle is running but is idle. If you hear any type of chattering, this could also be an indication of a problem. If these sounds get progressively worse, it is a good idea to bring your vehicle in sooner rather than later.
Fluid Leaks
It is also common for individuals to deal with fluid leaks at the start of a problem. For example, if your vehicle was running and you parked it, you may notice a discharge of fluid from it. This may be present after the vehicle is running, but it can also occur when you've had the vehicle sitting for some time. If you notice any fluid leaks, including oil leaks, take the vehicle in to be serviced.
Regular Use Changes
Another concern you may have is harder to spot. If you are driving your vehicle and you notice that you are having a loss of power, especially when you are trying to accelerate, this could be an indication of a significant concern. If the vehicle is on but does not move, you are in need of repair, not maintenance. If you notice, though, that the vehicle just seems to be not responding to your stepping on the gas, then that is an instance when maintenance may be necessary. Also, keep an eye out for any difficulty in shifting gears. If you notice a jolt or a hard shift, this is a concern with this component of the vehicle.
Transmission maintenance is not something to try and do on your own. It is best left to the

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