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Thursday, January 17, 2013

honda civic ferio vi ek3

      The honda civic ferio vi - ek3 is one of the most popular sedan in 1995-2000 years. This car uses 1.5i l  (D15B) 3-stage vtec engine (130 PS). 3-stage vtec engine means, that engine operates in 3 modes, econo, normal and sport modes. 3-stage vtec engine redlines at very high 7200 rpm in sport mode.

     In econo mode engine works on 12 valves (learn-burn mode) and achieves very low fuel consumption (on 60 km\h mode 3.5/100 l/km) 
    in normal mode engine works on 16 valves and its redline is 5800 rpm, its normal mode, does not use vtec (wilt cam)
    in sport mode engine works on 16 valves and redlines on 7200 rpm, from 6000 rpm with Vtec wild cam and achieves 130 ps.

Honda Multimatic Transmission (CVT)

This modification of car use first generation Honda Multimatic Transmission (CVT transmission). Due to CVT Transmission car is fast and economic as manual transmission cars not such simple automatic transmissions.


1 comment:

hondafactorypaintsucks said...

Have you had problems with the factory paint? Although Honda admitted defective paint/clearcoat, they have not stepped up to the plate and paid all those customers (now, ex customers) for their out of pocket repainting expenses. Irresponsible.